Replicant at PSESHSF 2016

Posted by Paul Kocialkowski on the 02 July 2016 at 8h54 under the CC-BY-3.0 OR CC-BY-4.0 license(s).

Replicant will take part in PSESHSF on Saturday July 2 near Paris, France for both a talk (in French), entitled Replicant : appareils mobiles, logiciels libres et vie privée and a workshop focused on Replicant (but possibly other aspects related to freedom at the lower levels).

The talk will be a great opportunity to learn about freedom and privacy/security in mobile devices. The Replicant workshop will showcase devices running Replicant and will be the occasion to get help installing Replicant, verify the project's release key or just come by and have a chat!

As usual, we are looking forward to meeting you there!